Blog by

blog by Nadine Maza, Cristina Gavilán and Joan Marc Sandoval. Group 21 A UAB.

Mar 14, 2012


·         Session 1

With this activity we want to develop the language skills of students in terms of their speaking and organization of the previous ideas about pets. It takes into account the objectives of teaching unit that we explain before. Also, is encouraged the competence learning to learn in this first activity, students will not receive new items but must collect the previous ideas between them and formulate questions and help each other (although they have the support of the teacher). All of this  gives initiative to the ability to learn by themselves and relate theoretical knowledge with practice.

This activity will be avaluate with the Thursntone's scale . It is a resource assessment in which individuals express their attitude to choose a set of statements that come to consider their opinion. Involves whether or not the student has achieved the criteria to be defined according to different objectives and skills to work in unity. 

Ø Activity 1. Talking about our pets. How we take care of them?
Student name: ..................................................................................................................
Observations/Proposals to improve:
1. Be attentive to explanations and develop attitudes of cooperation.
2. Explains what the animals eat, where they sleep, what they need and what they do?
3. Participates actively in the session.
4. Has initiative, shows interest in content.
5.If they shown receptive, tolerant and respectful of their classmates.
*Very Achieved, Achieved, None Achieved.

·         Session 2

In this activity we want to develop working in pairs and the using of computer and the blog. It introduces more knowledge about farm animals and it prepared them for the last session when they visit the farm. They formulate questions and help each other (although they have the support of the teacher).

This activity will be evaluate with Thursntone's scale. Involves whether or not the student has achieved the criteria to be defined according to different objectives and skills to work in unity.

Ø  Activity 2. The blog

Student name: ..................................................................................................................
Observations/Proposals to improve:
1 Know how to use computer

2. Be attentive to explanations and develop attitudes of cooperation.

3. Understand the three languages of the activities

5.  Participates actively in the session.

6. Has initiative, shows interest in content.

                        *Very Achieved, Achieved, None Achieved.

·         Session 3

Mainly, it will foster competition in the knowledge of and interaction with the physical world, competition for autonomy and personal initiative, social and civic competence, proficiency learning to learn. It is time to apply knowledge and worked to encourage critical thinking to solve and make decisions with initiative, be responsible with the environment and nature.

The assessment takes into account aspects about the visit and aspects about the work that the pupils have to do individually and in groups.

Activity 1: We will tour the farm
Student name: .................................................................................................................
Observations/Proposals to improve:
1.He has made ​​a good album that encompasses the entire visit.
2.His behavior has been adequate.
3. Recognizes the main Functions of a farmer.
4.He has been respectful when the farmer was speaking.
5.He has been respectful with the animals of the farm.
6. Shows interest, is participatory maintains goodwill.
7. Makes relevant observations and notes during the visit to the pharmacy.
                                *Very Achieved, Achieved, None Achieved.

The qualitative note will be given considering all assessments criteria that we explained before. We don't want students to study for an exam and forget after. We want that they learn. 

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